Offers & Incentives
Explore the Lease Deals at Sarasota Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram®
Shopping for car lease specials and finance offers in Sarasota? Sarasota Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram® is always offering new car specials to make new Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, RAM, and Fiat vehicles more affordable for Bradenton drivers. Explore our current lease offers and finance offers above, then get pre-approved online by completing our online application. Work with our finance team to learn more about buying and leasing, and which financial path makes the most sense for your lifestyle and budget.
Should You Buy or Lease a New CDJR?
One of the questions we’re often asked at the Sarasota Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram® finance center is, “Should I buy or lease?” If your goal is to eventually own a vehicle, buying might be the better choice for you. Initially, buying a car is more expensive than leasing, but the monthly payments become more affordable over time. Other benefits of buying include:
- No mileage caps
- Freedom to customize your car
Leasing, on the other hand, typically comes with a lower down payment and monthly payment. Plus, you’ll have multiple options available to you when the lease is up. You can return your leased vehicle and lease another model, buy the car outright, extend the lease, or simply walk away. Other leasing benefits include:
- Warranty coverage during the lease
- New car every few years
Why Buy or Lease a New CDJR from Sarasota Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram®?
Whether you’re leaning toward leasing or buying a new CDJR vehicle, the team at Sarasota Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram® can make the process simple and rewarding. To make buying and leasing easier, we offer the following online shopping tools and resources right here on our website:
Explore our finance specials and lease deals to find the right Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, RAM, or Fiat for you! Contact us online or call us at 941-229-6524 to schedule a test drive in Sarasota, FL. For more information on car buying and leasing, browse our finance and insurance information hub.